Some things are difficult to categorize. I think motorcycle/scooter riders are such a phenomena. Every rider is their own definition of what type of rider they are. That said, there does seem to be some common ingredients found in the pot whenever a rider stews about what type of rider he or she is; or the type of rider someone else is.
My friend Maggie took this photo on our ride this past Saturday. Yes, that is me and Billie. |
I'm proposing a list of these ingredients. It isn't meant to be an exhaustive list and I'd be interested in hearing any additions or refinements you might make. While I came up with this list on my own, I'm not claiming any uniqueness about it. Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if others have said much the same things, even used the same terms, and probably said it better. I'm offering it simply as glimpse into some of my ponderings and as a conversation starter.
The List:
--There are the Socialites. These riders love group rides and hanging out with other riders and sharing stories. Food often plays a large part in their riding life. I remember a friend telling me a story about his wife and he being invited to a ride with a group they hadn't ridden with before. They started at a dealership and rode a few miles and stopped for breakfast. Then they rode a few more miles and stopped by a another dealership for some coffee. Then it was lunchtime. His wife said to him, "When are we going to go somewhere?" I'm thinking Socialite wouldn't define her very well.
--There are the Adventurers. These are riders who like to go places...places far far away. These are the folks who eat up the miles. The Southern Tip of South America, Alaska, and around the world are all places these riders long to go....and some do.
--There are the Simply Curious. These riders like to look and see. Often they are photographers or artists. They tend to ride alone. With the Adventurers, they share a certain curiosity and a desire to experience the ride. They will often go out in all types of weather to explore the world around them.
--There are the Tinkerers. These riders are always doing something to their bikes. I have one friend who spends more time with his bike in pieces than he does riding. He always has some project going on.
--There are the Adrenalin Seekers. These are the riders who love speed, racing and stunting. Perhaps even some off-road riders fit here as well. I know these folk. I see them on the road. Still, I'm sort of guessing here. Of all the ingredients on the list this one is most lacking in my pot.
--There are the "Got to get to work" riders. I see these riders often on small scooters in all kinds of weather, because it is either ride or ride the bus. I'm always surprised at the number of sportbikes, especially Kawasaki Ninjettes, I see out in inclement weather and I've suspected necessity
Seven scooters. One parking place. No problem. |
I doubt few riders fit perfectly into any one of the categories. Perhaps the list is more a list of symptoms representing a continuum of the riding experience. Or, it could be all this is just my own foolishness.
What say you? What type of rider are you? What terms would you use to describe yourself? Would you add a category to my list, or take one away? Do you have your own list?