Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Wave and a Little Buzz

I make it a point to wave to every motorcycle or scooter rider I pass. Most wave back.

I pass this guy every morning on my way to work. He always waves.

This guy is new.

It is on a street I frequent. It appears they have spotlights on it. I need go back and check it out at night. I like the materials used. Nice.


  1. Must be a nice area since those two items have not been stolen!

    It's nice when people decorate for passersby.

    1. Yes, they are in nice areas and it helps that neither of them contains copper or aluminum :^)

      I so enjoy what folks put in their yards. I am amazed and delighted at the efforts people go to entertain me.

  2. In addition to the consistent wave, he always is smiling too. :) How very uplifting.

    The second guy, now he reminds me of a mosquito. But he is colorful and would like to see him lit up too.

    1. Yep, I he's out there on his bike even when I'm not. And you're right, he is always smiling.

      Stay tuned. I hope to get a photo of a lit up mossie soon.

  3. I think the best part of motorcycling is waving to all the other motorcyclists (and seeing cute lawn ornaments).

    When someone does not wave back I just assume they don't feel comfortable taking their hands off the controls.

    I have never had a scooter person wave back though. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

    1. Welcome!

      I doubt you are doing anything wrong when you wave at scooters. I think most scooter riders just aren't expecting it. It often takes passing a particular scooterist a few times before they wave back.

      Another best part of riding a motorcycle (at least the size I ride) is how easy it is to stop or turn around to take a photo.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  4. Keith:

    I notice that most Harley and scooter riders don't wave back. Actually most bikers here don't wave at all anymore, we have resorted to the "helmet" nod instead. Next comes the outstretched hand but at handlebar level.

    Riding the Wet Coast

    1. I'm getting some helmet nods, too. I don't mind, probably is safer. Here most folks on two or three wheels are pretty friendly. It is very nice. I haven't ran into a lot of the antimosity here that I read about in other blogs and I'm very grateful.

      And, again, I think many scooter riders are clueless about the wave.

  5. Well that is a happy little gnome.

    He is on two wheels, I guess that says it all.
