Sunday, January 22, 2012


I tend to get pensive on foggy days.

 Today it was foggy...and it was chilly.

Some at the bagel shop seemed surprised I rode today. Some asked, "Why?" I just shrugged my shoulders. I seldom try to explain why I ride to those who ask. Experience has taught me most really don't want to know my reasons. They have already made up their mind about the merits of riding and about my sanity or lack of it.

Today it occurred to me I ride to seek stillness. My soul yearns for stillness. Some may find my speaking of riding to seek stillness odd given I wear ear plugs to protect my ears while riding, but it is true. This stillness of which I speak isn't a lack of sound nor an absence of movement. No, it is a waiting...a waiting on life as it opens up. It is also a place...a place of willing response to what simply presents itself

Nearly all the major lifeways that humanity has discovered have some sort of chanting and/or repetitive prayer as a tool for cultivating this sense of stillness. As I ride, five some horses chant a call and response to Miss Billie's internal combustion. Sometimes my pieces of self, pieces most often scattered about, are gathered up in this steady thumping rhythm and I taste a becoming...I become THE watchful eye...I become THE listening ear. I become full...filled with All that surrounds me.

And, I am still.

At these times a knowing takes hold of me. It grasps me, but slips through the fingers of my brain as I try to grasp it. I'm left with only a taste of what was and could be again. Sometimes this taste of becoming lingers, but most often it is gone as soon as I take note of it.

 And, I'm left longing to ride again another day.


  1. Wonderfully put, yet non-riders will still not understand what you're getting at. When asked why I ride, I do like you... I shrug, and say 'because I can'.

    1. Sonja, I quoted what you said in this comment in yesterday's post over at Did He Ride Today. I think your absolutely spot on. Folk get it, or they don't. And, you're right...I ride because I can. I might add, "And, because I want to."

  2. Keith I think every rider understands what you are saying. When I ride I feel that same stillness overtake me and how it calms and soothes my soul. I think I fel this because I notice more when I am on the bike and see even the smallest things. I get lost in the ride and the moments end all to quickly, but I know I will feel that way the next time I take to the road.

    1. Dar,
      Yes, the world does blossom around me when I ride. It opens up in a way it just doesn't for me at any other time. Glad to know it does for you, too. Of course, I think I already sorta of suspected it did :)

  3. Very nicely put. I must admit that I get a similar feeling when riding my bicycle or even walking. A motorcycle does allow you to cover much more distance in the same amount of time.

  4. Wow, Wonderful post. I can't think of a better description. I can't think of a thing to add. You said it perfectly.

    1. Kari,
      You are too kind. Thank you. Your compliments humble me.

  5. Well said Keith. I think pensive foggy days are good for your writing muse.

    1. Yes, I think you are correct about foggy days. There is something about foggy days. There's mystery hidden away that only reveals itself on foggy days and new moon dark nights.

      Thanks for the encouragement of your faithfulness in commenting. It is very precious to me.

  6. Very lovely post. I love fog, too. Love to drive in it and take pictures in it. The whole world goes away and you get to see a few things at a time in intensity. Things get very poetic.
